Wednesday, 3 December 2008

A Startling Discovery

"We were worried because the 'men' came through boat. We should rather be more worried for the men who come through our vote."

This is a line am quoting from the mail one of my friends sent me just yesterday. And the major portion of this post is also from that mail, which talks about an important yet comfortably invisible clause from our Constitution. 
As per a 1969 amendment in our Constitution, a section called '49 O' gives the right to a person to go to the polling booth during elections, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey to the presiding officer that he doesn't want to vote for any candidate!
The most obvious question one would then ask is, why should I take so much pain in going to the polling booth if am not going to vote for anyone in the first place? Well, that's the beauty of the act.  Suppose if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that particular ward has received "49-O" votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them. This means that if people decide unanimously that the candidate is not even fit for standing in the election, then they can act accordingly and further see that he doesn't even get to recontest on the same seat in the same election. 
This fantastic revelation immediately poses a question. Why is the public not intimated about this act from the Election Commission, when it is clear that such an act needs to be known to everyone in order to see that the right candidate gets chosen? Is it somekind of a trick that the politicans have played upon us, so that we do not ever get to know that there is another option at our disposal?
After the recent terror attacks on Mumbai, the Common Man has become quite vocal about everything, and we have been hearing many instances where the people do not shy away from expressing their angst at the politicians. My point is, isn't this section 49-O a better alternative than the cries of 'We won't vote at all' that we have been hearing from the masses? 
On another front, there has been reports that the Pakistani media has started accusing India of blaming Pakistan for the terror attack falsingly. But if seen objectively, and looking at the evidences, it is quite clear that the terrorists had definite links with Karachi. Then on what base is the Pakistan media even debating on this issue? They have gone so far so as to say that this attack is by an Indian agency.
But on the other hand, I went through a few posts by some Pakistan citizens on the terror attack, which can be viewed here. These people also have a point. They say that maybe the attack was staged in a way which would point towards the terrorist group's link with Pakistan, in order to increase the enmity between the two nations. On rational thinking, this can not be ruled out in entirety,when you consider the fact that the evidences that have been gathered from the attack are too damning. I mean, its like they want us to believe its Pakistan.
At this juncture, it's kinda hard to decide on who is actually behind it, with so many arguments pouring in form all corners. The point is, whoever it is, half of their purpose is already served, in having created terror in the nation. I just hope it was the end, and that there's no other half of their motive left, like letting the two nations battle it out in a gruesome war against each other, which might be the real end they want to achieve. Reading the posts of the Pakistani people, one more thing comes to mind, that not all Pakistanis are against India. It's the political situation that's probably making things worse. But the bottomline is, that it is the Indian Man who has suffered. And we need an answer, and fast. It's hightime the politics is set aside, and politicians start turning into real 'leaders'. Signing off on a confused and a hopeful note.


zzzzzz said...
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zzzzzz said...
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Dolby said...

i would like to point out a couple of things..

Firstly, there is no amendment to constitution in 1969 that has section 49-O. The said article is in The Conduct of Election Rules, 1961.

Secondly, there is no mention of considering the election null and void in case of more votes being in form 17-A then the victory margin.

Quoting The Conduct of Election Rules, 1961.

49O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.

Anything apart from this is mere imagination and wrong interpretation of the act.

Dolby said...

as far as the thing abt not all pakistanis being against India goes, it is true but is no excuse for us to not act against the perpetrators of violence. We shall give the pak govt. a chance to destruct the camps in Pakistan which are training men for these attacks or we shall take action against these camps. And all evidence is pointing towards Pakistan because it is the source of violence.


Saurabh said...

just after I posted this one,i came to know of the discrepancy that is attached with the article.good thing u brought it to notice..
also, the point which i made when i said that not all pakistanis are bad was not to justify our inaction against the terrorist forces, but rather a more realistic attitude than just shunning all pakistanis. we are not far away from the situation which arose in britain and america after terrorist attacks there,when just a turban or a long beard led to people acting against them.the idea is to be sensible,not overtly tolerant to the point of being indifferent.

Dolby said...

being tolerant is one thing but being careless to be tolerant is another

Anonymous said...

its sad to know there is no provision of the kind u mentioned here... it would really help us tell the politicians we are fed up of arsepits...