It's time we shed the cloak of resilience, and unveil our face, that is red with rage, and an urge to get an answer. It's time we come out of our houses and be our own Security. It's time we show the politicians of India that we are not a deaf-mute society. It's time...
Was reading the Times Of India yesterday, when came across yet another article on the Mumbai Terrorist attack. It said that if the total count of all those who were killed in the incident was taken, it crosses the 257 deaths that were reported in the terror attacks on Mumbai local trains in 2006, which makes it the biggest terrorist attack on the country ever. And still, it is a matter of shame and shock to note that our ministers still claim it to be a Choti si baat . I don't think it takes much intellect to comprehend the magnitude of the situation the country is in right now. Bombs have been going off in the length and breadth of the country, and all we have been hearing from our 'leaders' are requests to maintain calm and patience. And everytime a city like Mumbai is under such a situation, they laud the city's 'spirits' of moving on. What the hell...
I second the question that has been doing the rounds everywhere, that why are the NSG commandoes stationed only in Delhi? It is a shocking revelation that after the terrorists acted in Taj Hotel, it took the NSG forces somewhere around nine and half hours to reach the scene! And it is known for a fact that terror attacks get out of hand as time passes, coz the terrorists start to form 'bases' as they get to know the scene better. With due credits to our gallant NSG commandoes and Armymen who put in their heart and soul in saving the lives of our fellow countrymen, this is a question to the unending bureaucracy in our country. Is it so difficult to station the troops at major cities, so that in need of emergency, they can be deployed at the scene faster?
I would also like to ask a question to Mr Raj Thackerey and MNS workers, that where are they now, now that their very own 'Aamchi Mumbai' is trampled under the merciless foot of indiscrimating terrorism? Maybe not enough 'Marathi Manoos' were killed in this attack so as to wake MNS up from their deep slumber. And what is amusingly sad is that even after the attack is over, and now that Mumbai is safer for the moment, the MNS clan is not coming out, not even to wipe the blood and tears off the faces of thousands of people across the city. So much for their calls of doing or dying for their motherland...
The leaders of all parties are facing the wrath of people from all over the country. And few are even pleading us for support as they 'too are only human, a common man just like all of us', as a prominent leader was heard saying. But if they too are common men like us, why is it that they get to come in private 'Government' choppers and fleets of cars to 'sympathise' with us in times like now, but the real heroes of the moment, the National Security Guards are forced to leave the scene in dilapidated BEST buses? Though a very insignificant observation, it needs to be pondered upon.
The main question of the hour, though, is that what needs to be done by us, the Stupid Common Man? A friend of mine, in one of his blogs, raised a very correct point. He said that we always shout at the system for not giving us the security it should. But we always easily overlook the fact that it is us who needs to be aware of our responsibilities too. When we are checked by metal detectors outside malls, we bicker and crib. But when the same mall explodes to tatters, we blame the government. It is our moral responsibility to see that we are helping the system do its work , instead of hindering it. I don't know what the answer to these acts of terrorism would be given by India, but what I do know is that it is high time that we let the system know, that we are watching, and that we are willing to help it in curbing terrorism. And the system must also realise, that it's TIME now...
great man
awesome... abt the NSG-BEST connection... nd seriously the security chks outside malls... I myself make a joke of that always. But seriously 2 minutes late for a movie hardly matters when it's the question of security.
Excellent piece of writing as always. I loved every part of it. The responsibility that we as denizens shud take up n stuff but the best part was the criticism of Shiv Sena. These blabbermouthed regionalists have gone reticent, whn the time actually came to speak up. Glad someone raised this point.
great piece of writing with precise info....I think u should also write about article 49 section 0...... so that more ppl have exposure to that...Now a days everyone is venting anger on politicians but the bottomline will be again voting them in elections....
article 49 O..ya thats something everyone should know about..shall include it in my next post..thanks for the suggestion.
nice One:)
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