Monday 15 September 2008

Bombay Rains,Bombay Girls

Before you get any ideas, let me explain. This is not a discourse on Bombay and its girls drenched in rain (though that would have been an interesting area of discussion). It's the name of a book written by Anirban Bose, a doctor by profession and writer by passion.
There would only be a handful of the so called Youngistaan who have not read Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. If you are one of them, kindly don't shower me and my stupid blog with so much of affection. Go read that book first!
But if you are among the masses who have read it, you'll probably find Bombay Rains.. on the same lines. Freshers into a college (this one medical), getting ragged by seniors, playing mischief in class, the protagonist finding the girl of his dreams, him making friends who are all as different from one another like chalk and cheese, their masti, their discussions on everything and so on.
But after reaching almost midway, the book ceases to be a copy of Five Point Someone. Actually, it's not exactly a copy, frankly speaking. It's just that after having read that milestone book, each one on those lines seems like a copy.
Anyway, as I said, halfway through, the book takes a different turn, and you find yourself far from the fun and thrill of college life. It is then that the actual motive of the book(trust me, there always is a motive behind each one being written) surfaces. I won't be giving out any spoilers, so go read it. You may love it, you may not. But you will surely take something away from it.

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