Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Here I Go Again...

They call it 'May Day', or Labour's Day, more apt in my case, for the simple reason that I had to literally labour my way through it. Getting an extra day off in a week is a topic on which I have been thinking to write a mini- thesis on for so long. The thing is, every different day that is declared a holiday has a special significance. 

If it's a Monday, then well, it couldn't have been better. I mean, c'mon man, you just got rid of atleast one 'Monday Morning Blues' from your life! Also, Monday being a holiday means an extended weekend. What more can a poor Professional Guy ask from life.
Now when Tuesday's an off, the Professional Guy in us goes for a ride. You start thinking of how to convince your boss for taking Monday as a 'sandwich off' from work. And then either you fall sick, or you've got a Doc's appointment, or best, you've got an 'important engagement' to attend to. Afterall, taking a day off again gives you the luxury of a long weekend.

Wednesday as a holiday is actually a curse in disguise. It's like, after a weekend of raising your 'spirits' well, you again brace yourself for yet another week of the same old stuff, the deadlines, the tickets, the business needs, the SLAs, and as soon as you have gained enough momentum by slogging through Tuesday, you come to a road block, an obstacle, a pothole. You curse Shivaji, or Gandhi, or Ambedkar, for having been born on such an 'inauspicious' day.

Thursday is an altogether different story. An off on a Thursday is like an eight minute pitstop in an F1 race- it just can't be digested. Though it's afterall a break, and ought to 'feel good' about it and all that crap, the fact remains that as soon as you had come to terms with the fact that there was no escaping this gruelling week, and that the weekend was right there in front of you, came your Tricky Thursday.

And well, the sweetest, most sought after, is ofcourse our very own Friday. It's like the hot air hostess who lives on the fourteenth floor in your building- it's the hottest thing that can happen to you, everyone wants it, and it can take you to places... ; ) 
Anyway, coming back to my story, this extended weekend was a sad affair as I am concerned. I mean, who wakes up at ten in the morning, sunlight in your face, waking to a bittersweet (mostly bitter) headache, even though you didn't get drunk last night? The whole day, though passed uneventfully, maybe it was the 'uneventfulness' of it all that made it all the more annoying. This is the problem with holidays, other than the weekends ofcourse. With weekends, everything is sorta planned, you know. But when an extra day comes as a break, it kinda disrupts the little amount of order that you thought was there in your life. You either try to while time away in front of the TV, or wash all the clothes you see around you, or simply lie down on the bed, seeing the fan, trying to count the number of blades on it. Oh wait, fans have only three blades. Dude, you are boredom personified.

It turns out the weekend that wasn't too weekend-ey for me. Maybe, I need to develop more hobbies, or make more friends, or call more people. But then again, in this search of Things-to-do to keep myself 'busy', I actually lost the whole idea of the weekend, which was to run away from the always busy telephone line that life has become..