Friday, 5 December 2008
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
A Startling Discovery
Monday, 1 December 2008
It's Time now...

Monday, 3 November 2008
Two boys and a Key
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Thank You for No Smoking

Tuesday, 30 September 2008
The Window

As he opened his eyes, Chotu saw a sparrow sitting on the window pane. Sun had risen hours ago, and was staring at him, as if making fun of him. Very reluctantly, he got out of the bed. He wished he was a window instead. 'It would have been so much more fun', he always thought. Afterall, Life for an EIGHT year old is no fun, right??!
He reached school ten minutes late. The Morning Assembly had begun. He was so scared. It was for the first time that he was so late. Generally, he managed to be inside school premises just as the morning prayer started. He looked at Lallu Bhai, the school Peon, as if trying to bribe him into letting him in through his innocent looks. But Lallu Bhai, having been working in the school for the past eleven years, knew each and every student like the back of his hand. Chotu didn't get any concession, and was made to stand outside the school till the assembly dispersed. Then, after being done with getting scolded by the teacher-in-charge of the assembly, he made his way to the classroom.
Friday, 19 September 2008
A Random Bakar
The other day, a long lost acquaintance pinged me on Orkut, asking me about my well being, and the usual 'how n where r u?'. Quite happy to hear from him, I replied rather enthusiastically that I was at Pune, working with IBM and so on. A few days later, I received a reply which said that he was 'sad' that I was not working for an Indian firm, and was helping a phoren country flourish by working for it! 'WTF' was my first reaction. I mean, who cares yaar, if I am working for an MNC. I am not adding to the so-called Brain Drain. Or, am I?
When we were in college, we used to have a lot of discussions(back then, it was aptly called Bakar, or Non-Stop-Non-Sense for the uninitiated) . Here's how one such Bakar session went on. The setting is room number AG-1, Hostel 9, NIT Surat. Time is 11.30 in the morning. Oh, by the way, the next day was the second test of the ongoing End Sems. And yes, a Disclaimer: Names of the involved persons are withheld to protect their privacy!
The Talkative Guy(TTG) or Lambu: So, as I went to her with that 'OMG-you-are-so-pretty-and-I-am-so-lame' look, I suddenly realised th...
Me: I wouldn't mind going.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Remixed Religion

If you have ever travelled by train (Tell me you haven't, and I'll tell you about someone who hasn't seen India in all its glory), you surely would have seen and heard small street children, with stone pieces in their hands, striking them together in a way so as to create percussion, and singing Shirdi waaaaale, Sai Baaaaaba at the top of their voices. This is a common scene in almost all train journeys I have ever been a part of. And all those children,hailing from different parts of the country, sing the song in the same nasal tone and accent that I sometimes wonder if there actually is an 'Association of Shirdi-Wale-Sai-Baba Singers'(ASS ??).
Monday, 15 September 2008
Bombay Rains,Bombay Girls

Before you get any ideas, let me explain. This is not a discourse on Bombay and its girls drenched in rain (though that would have been an interesting area of discussion). It's the name of a book written by Anirban Bose, a doctor by profession and writer by passion.
There would only be a handful of the so called Youngistaan who have not read Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. If you are one of them, kindly don't shower me and my stupid blog with so much of affection. Go read that book first!
But if you are among the masses who have read it, you'll probably find Bombay Rains.. on the same lines. Freshers into a college (this one medical), getting ragged by seniors, playing mischief in class, the protagonist finding the girl of his dreams, him making friends who are all as different from one another like chalk and cheese, their masti, their discussions on everything and so on.
But after reaching almost midway, the book ceases to be a copy of Five Point Someone. Actually, it's not exactly a copy, frankly speaking. It's just that after having read that milestone book, each one on those lines seems like a copy.
Anyway, as I said, halfway through, the book takes a different turn, and you find yourself far from the fun and thrill of college life. It is then that the actual motive of the book(trust me, there always is a motive behind each one being written) surfaces. I won't be giving out any spoilers, so go read it. You may love it, you may not. But you will surely take something away from it.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Stupid Common Man

'India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters...'
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Prepared Khichdi last night. Actually, for those who don't know, there are four of us sharing 'A-701' here in Pune. And since we have so far succeeded in failing to find a cook or a proper tiffinwalla, we decided to take matters into our own hands,literally. Till last fortnight, we actually cooked food at home, and we fared well I guess!
But for the last two weeks,since we had to work from an office located 25kms far from our place, we switched back to Choice, Pune's very own Klassic. The food is reasonably priced, the service is fast, and the food's great. So, as I said, truly Klassic!
Still waiting to get a project. Half of the new joinees have been allotted one, and the rest of us are expected to get one on Monday. There was a sudden rise of tension in most of us, the reason being that there were speculations that few of us would have to relocate to Kolkata for our projects. And then ensued a list of fears and suggestions and consolations and what not. 'Dude,Kolkata is so cluttered','Food there is so cheap','Flats are so cheap,you won't face a problem there','Man,Bong girls!' and so on. But the point remained that after having stayed in Pune for almost three months now, nobody wanted to start from scratch at a new place. But things seem to have cooled down a bit, what with somebody coming up with the news that there are projects lined up in Pune as well, peace seems to be prevailing for now. Lets see..
For all sufi music lovers, there's Bulle Shah from the movie A Wednesday. The song's awesome, and so is the movie. Also, a song I have started loving suddenly is All I Want is You from the movie Juno. Again,beautiful movie as well as the song.
Reading a novel called Bombay Rains,Bombay Girls by Anirban Bose. It's about a medicine student hailing from a small town in Bihar coming to study in Bombay, the city of dreams. Just begun with it, so watch out for a proper review in a few posts.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Ah-Sick Banaya...

Most of you must have guessed what am talking about. Yup people, its Himesss. And he's back, to vasool his Karzzzz. Atleast that's what his new flick is called. By the way, the title of the post, it's from somebody back from college.